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QRZ Ham Radio Callsign Database - Volume 5.iso
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Date: Thu, 16 Jun 94 04:30:28 PDT
From: Ham-Homebrew Mailing List and Newsgroup <ham-homebrew@ucsd.edu>
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Subject: Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #164
To: Ham-Homebrew
Ham-Homebrew Digest Thu, 16 Jun 94 Volume 94 : Issue 164
Today's Topics:
"Renewal" reusable alkaline batteries
Animal tracking (3 msgs)
Beware of RADIOKIT kits (IMHO)
HP8052-3081 PIN diodes
Midnight Engineering address
Plans for packet modem
Question : Possible to make a scanner ??
Railroad track as an antenna?
SHortwave radio guide book
Shortwave radio guide book HELP!!! (2 msgs)
Send Replies or notes for publication to: <Ham-Homebrew@UCSD.Edu>
Send subscription requests to: <Ham-Homebrew-REQUEST@UCSD.Edu>
Problems you can't solve otherwise to brian@ucsd.edu.
Archives of past issues of the Ham-Homebrew Digest are available
(by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/ham-homebrew".
We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text
herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official
policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there.
Date: 15 Jun 94 22:10:00 -0400
From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!library.ucla.edu!europa.eng.gtefsd.com!MathWorks.Com!noc.near.net!eisner!cornelius@network.ucsd.edu
Subject: "Renewal" reusable alkaline batteries
To: ham-homebrew@ucsd.edu
I am interested in information about Rayovac "Renewal" reusable alkaline
They look like a good deal, since the batteries themselves are similar
in cost to ordinary alkalines, and unlike other rechargables have the
full capacity of an alkaline battery , at least for the first few times
the battery is reused.
Does anyone have experience with them or understand how they work? Is
it possible to charge them yourselves, or are the specs for doing so
being kept quiet by the manufacturer?
George Cornelius, WB0RRB cornelius@eisner.decus.org
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 94 16:12:47 GMT
From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!library.ucla.edu!csulb.edu!csus.edu!netcom.com!netcomsv!skyld!jangus@network.ucsd.edu
Subject: Animal tracking
To: ham-homebrew@ucsd.edu
In article <9406151151.aa28242@post.demon.co.uk> Richard@mole.demon.co.uk writes:
> A friend is having trouble with sheep rustling - he's has about 70 stolen
> this summer so far. The local Police won't do anything unless we can tell
> them who's taking the sheep!
> Anyone with any thoughts? Anyone experienced this problem before?
> and solved it?
My sugestion would be Colbalt 60. Should be easy enough to track.
Amateur: WA6FWI@WA6FWI.#SOCA.CA.USA.NOAM | "You have a flair for adding
Internet: jangus@skyld.grendel.com | a fanciful dimension to any
US Mail: PO Box 4425 Carson, CA 90749 | story."
Phone: 1 (310) 324-6080 | Peking Noodle Co.
Hate "Green Card Lottery"? Want to help curb ignorant crossposting on Usenet?
E-mail ckeroack@hamp.hampshire.edu for more information, or read news.groups.
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 1994 16:54:16 GMT
From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!swrinde!emory!rsiatl!ke4zv!gary@network.ucsd.edu
Subject: Animal tracking
To: ham-homebrew@ucsd.edu
In article <1994Jun15.144631.19774@kd4dts.atl.ga.us> jcw@kd4dts.atl.ga.us (John C. Wren) writes:
>Wouldn't it be easier to put some kind of electronic perimeter fence (laser,
>capacitive, siesmic) and just go tearing out there with you Uzi in hand,
>instead? With the constraints you've placed on the transmitter, current
>technology is not going to be cost effective. Another option may be to
>use some kind of infrared cameras and a VCR. Only problem with this is
>that sheep are going to show up. Maybe wire a couple of the sheep with
>5 pounds of C-4 with a radio receiver, and if the carrier ever drops,
>*KABOOM*. No more sheep, no more sheep rustler...
Obvious solutions to Americans, but Richard isn't in a free
country. He can't just deal with the rustlers without the
jackboots of authority coming down on him.
I think a pulse transmitter is going to be the best bet. Peak
power can be high enough to be detected at a distance but average
power would be low enough to allow for decent battery life. A
two FET circuit with one FET acting as a timer/switch and the
other as the switched oscillator should do. I like the idea
of the C4 better though. :-)
Gary Coffman KE4ZV | You make it, | gatech!wa4mei!ke4zv!gary
Destructive Testing Systems | we break it. | uunet!rsiatl!ke4zv!gary
534 Shannon Way | Guaranteed! | emory!kd4nc!ke4zv!gary
Lawrenceville, GA 30244 | |
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 1994 23:00:00 +0000
From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!swrinde!pipex!demon!mole.demon.co.uk!Richard@network.ucsd.edu
Subject: Animal Tracking
To: ham-homebrew@ucsd.edu
John C. Wren writes:
>Wouldn't it be easier to put some kind of electronic perimeter fence (laser,
>capacitive, siesmic) and just go tearing out there with you Uzi in hand,
>instead? With the constraints you've placed on the transmitter, current
>technology is not going to be cost effective. Another option may be to
>use some kind of infrared cameras and a VCR. Only problem with this is
>that sheep are going to show up. Maybe wire a couple of the sheep with
>5 pounds of C-4 with a radio receiver, and if the carrier ever drops,
>*KABOOM*. No more sheep, no more sheep rustler...
Hmmm. Problem is the perimeter is about five miles long, changes elevation
by about 500 feet, goes through woods and streams and the sheep could be
going through *any* section of it. Then it's about eight miles of narrow,
twisty road from my friends farmhouse to the land where the sheep are. All
this kinda rules out perimeter guards or IR cameras.
The last solution maybe an answer, though ;->
Richard Smith (richard@mole.demon.co.uk)
Antique & classic Auto restorer, Agricultural engineer, shepherd,
electrician, electronics design engineer (in order of income!)
Date: Thu, 16 Jun 1994 00:39:35 GMT
From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!usc!howland.reston.ans.net!newsserver.jvnc.net!raffles.technet.sg!ntuix!ntuvax.ntu.ac.sg!asirene@network.ucsd.edu
Subject: Beware of RADIOKIT kits (IMHO)
To: ham-homebrew@ucsd.edu
In article <1994Jun12.122846.1@ccsua.ctstateu.edu>, white@ccsua.ctstateu.edu writes:
> I purchased 2 kits from RADIOKIT (New Hampshire) recently (the QRP-20
> by K1BQT and the 7MHz Optimized by W7EL).
> First, the 7MHz kit was missing SEVEN parts (5 caps, 1 pot, 1 resistor). After
> 2 attempts to get these components replaced over 2 weeks, I received
> ONLY the pot. No explanation as to where the rest of the parts are.
> Now for the UGLY one...... the QRP-20 kit is a mess.....missing parts,
> wrong-sized standoffs for critical transistor heat sink installation,
> directions furnished are for the QRP 15 (!) with several "mod sheets",
> undrilled PCB connections, PCB layout errors, gross assumptions in
> directions, changes in kit that were not forwarded to customers, etc.
> and etc. And gee, all this fun for $100. "Easy to build ....comes with
> detailed manual and parts diagram [for a different RIG]..... easy to
> wind coils with _full_pictorials_ [NOT] ...." etc. etc.
> This is reckless merchandising at best. I'm no rocket scientist,
I second all of the above, not to mention awful performance. Birdies all across
the band. Only redeeming feature is its small size (QRP-20).
> but this is NOT what it was portrayed to be.
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 1994 12:41:48 GMT
From: psinntp!arrl.org!zlau@uunet.uu.net
Subject: HP8052-3081 PIN diodes
To: ham-homebrew@ucsd.edu
I noticed them for $1.99 each in the Allied/Hallmark catalog
bsn@ziggy.ph.utexas.edu wrote:
: Can anyone suggest a source for small lot quantities of the above
: referenced PIN diode?
Zack Lau KH6CP/1 2 way QRP WAS
8 States on 10 GHz
Internet: zlau@arrl.org 10 grids on 2304 MHz
Date: 15 Jun 1994 20:46:22 -0400
From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!usc!howland.reston.ans.net!news.intercon.com!news1.digex.net!digex.net!not-for-mail@network.ucsd.edu
Subject: Midnight Engineering address
To: ham-homebrew@ucsd.edu
An earlier poster requested the address for Midnight Engineering magazine.
Date: 15 Jun 94 17:53:58 GMT
From: news-mail-gateway@ucsd.edu
Subject: Plans for packet modem
To: ham-homebrew@ucsd.edu
I know that someone posted a similar request for plans for a homebrew packet
modem the other day. I someone does have plans or an FTP site with plans,
could you send me a carbon copy or email.
Also could you recommend software to use with it, or will any communications SW
work with it (ProComm,SmartComm,etc.)?
Date: 16 Jun 1994 05:29:41 -0500
From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!swrinde!cs.utexas.edu!not-for-mail@network.ucsd.edu
Subject: Question : Possible to make a scanner ??
To: ham-homebrew@ucsd.edu
Sorry if this is a stupid question. I am new and very interested in scanners.
I was just wondering if it is possible to assemble/"make" a scanner
from scratch - I mean going to the electrical shop to buy those transistors,
diodes, etc and assemble it up.
If it is possible, is there a guideline outhere where I can download.
-- fhlee@csam.my
Date: 16 Jun 94 06:57:17 GMT
From: dog.ee.lbl.gov!agate!howland.reston.ans.net!torn!spartan.ac.BrockU.CA!s9898198@ucbvax.berkeley.edu
Subject: Railroad track as an antenna?
To: ham-homebrew@ucsd.edu
I have heard a legend that a college radio station (either at MIT, Tufts,
or Swarthmore) welded antenna to railroad tracks, and peeved the FCC by
broadcasting nationwide. Is this true? If anyone knows, please email me
(or post here) If you do know, could you please direct me to some
documentation regarding this legend if you can.
This is very important! Thanks in advance.
James R. Storm |
Accounting Student | This message was brought to you by
s9898198@sandcastle.cosc.brocku.ca | the letters M, Q, and the number 6
(905) 227-9571 voice |
Date: 16 Jun 1994 07:31:55 GMT
From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!swrinde!howland.reston.ans.net!nctuccca.edu.tw!news.cc.nctu.edu.tw!news.edu.tw!aladdin.iii.org.tw!usenet@network.ucsd.edu
Subject: SHortwave radio guide book
To: ham-homebrew@ucsd.edu
I am considering buying a shortwave radio guide book.
Here are 3 three books to choice.
1.Passport World Band Radio 1994
2.1994 Edition Wordldradio TV Handbook
3.Shortwave Listening Guide Book, Harry Helms, Second Edition
Do you have an opinion on which one of these is better for my to buy ?
Please send mail to idpt783@tpts1.seed.net.tw preferably.
thanks a much !
-Percy WANG
Date: 16 Jun 1994 07:32:40 GMT
From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!usc!howland.reston.ans.net!nctuccca.edu.tw!news.cc.nctu.edu.tw!news.edu.tw!aladdin.iii.org.tw!usenet@network.ucsd.edu
Subject: Shortwave radio guide book HELP!!!
To: ham-homebrew@ucsd.edu
I am considering buying a shortwave radio guide book.
Here are 3 three books to choice.
1.Passport World Band Radio 1994
2.1994 Edition Wordldradio TV Handbook
3.Shortwave Listening Guide Book, Harry Helms, Second Edition
Do you have an opinion on which one of these is better for my to buy ?
Please send mail to idpt783@tpts1.seed.net.tw preferably.
thanks a much !
-Percy WANG
Date: 16 Jun 1994 07:32:56 GMT
From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!usc!howland.reston.ans.net!nctuccca.edu.tw!news.cc.nctu.edu.tw!news.edu.tw!aladdin.iii.org.tw!usenet@network.ucsd.edu
Subject: Shortwave radio guide book HELP!!!
To: ham-homebrew@ucsd.edu
I am considering buying a shortwave radio guide book.
Here are 3 three books to choice.
1.Passport World Band Radio 1994
2.1994 Edition Wordldradio TV Handbook
3.Shortwave Listening Guide Book, Harry Helms, Second Edition
Do you have an opinion on which one of these is better for my to buy ?
Please send mail to idpt783@tpts1.seed.net.tw preferably.
thanks a much !
-Percy WANG
Date: (null)
From: (null)
Midnight Engineering
1700 Washington Ave.
Rocky Ford, CO 81067
This is a bimonthly magazine. Subscription rates
1 year (6issues) $24 in USA, $29 to Canada and Mexico, $49 other countries.
gc (a subscriber)
End of Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #164